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     1. How does your money get to the person that you are gifting? Once your funds “clear”, your gift will immediately be sent as a business check using Blessings In Disguise, LLC as the sender, by USPS First Class mail (Click here to view a sample of the letter and the check).


     2. What records will you receive? As soon as you “checkout” from the site, you will receive an emailed automated receipt within a few minutes if you input a correct email address. If you do not get a receipt, or realize that you entered an incorrect email address, simply contact us at and we will help you out. As soon as your funds “clear” and your gift is mailed, we will notify you that it was sent.


     3. What if your check is not cashed? In the event the gift sent is not cashed within a 30-day timeframe (longer if sending outside of the U.S.A, we can communicate and coordinate a reasonable timeframe for overseas checks as you see fit), a stop payment will be put on the check and your funds, minus credit card and stop payment fees paid will be returned to the gift-giver’s original method of payment. If your original payment method is no longer available, we will contact you to set up an alternative refund method. Fees collected specifically by Blessings In Disguise LLC will be refunded as well. As for the check stop payment fees, this is normally $30; however, so far Chase Bank has been good about not charging us any stop payment fees as long as we consider the check as “lost”.


     4. Should you expect a Thank You reply for your gift? To date, approximately 65% of the gifts sent have received a Thank You reply. We truly wish this was 100%. Unfortunately, even if the gift is substantial, we don’t think that the recipients are ungrateful, but possibly some people are not hard-wired to think to share gratitude even if they are being given a free gift of money. If and when a gift recipient does send a Thank You reply, we will forward that to your email immediately. We have also started adding some of these notes to our Testimonials page; it is great reading about the impact your generosity is providing! It also helps to bring credibility to what we intend to accomplish here. We hope that testimonials of your giving are shared around the world.


     5. Do you need to worry about taxes? Yes. During 2024, in the United States of America, you can give up to $18,000 (after fees) to as many individuals as you choose through our service without being obligated to report the monetary gift to the IRS. If you exceed $18,000 (after fees) to any one individual, you are responsible for reporting the gifted amount to the IRS when filing your taxes. That said, if filing jointly (as a married couple), the non-taxed amount allowed doubles to $36,000 to any one individual. There are also tax implications to consider when sending monetary gifts to individuals outside of the United States of America. Seek your local, federal, and international tax laws for further guidance when giving monetary gifts.


     6. You are in a rush to get money to a person, and USPS First Class mail is not quick enough. Our checkout does not allow it at this time (we are working on this); however, if you are in a rush please contact us at and we can offer USPS Priority Mail (1-3 days depending on location), or USPS Express Mail (1-2 days depending on location). There will be an extra fee which you can either pay via Paypal, Venmo, or Zelle. We can also offer Signature confirmation services.


     7. Do you offer monthly recurring gifts? This site currently does not have the capability to do so. You would have to manually set an event on your calendar and come back to re-submit further, future gifts.​ We hope we can add this feature in the future. We do inform the recipient in our letter to not “count” on this gift as being recurring. They will be blessed if it is however, we do not want them to get their hopes up in the event it is a one-time gift.


     8. What are the fees that are added to our gift? The credit card portal processing fee is 2.9% plus $0.30 of your transactions. The fees collected specifically by Blessings In Disguise LLC range from $1.66 at the $100 gift level and $21.46 at the $18,000 gift level. To be fully transparent, the full fee schedule is posted below in our terms & conditions.


     9. Can you give a custom gift below $100? No. Unfortunately, we don’t think anything less than $100 can provide much help to someone in need. It may buy a tank of gas or two but will not come close to covering even things such as groceries.


     10. Can you as an individual give a custom gift above $18,000? Absolutely! Please contact us at and we can add any custom gift above $18,000 that you wish to give a person. Please note that IRS gift taxes will apply as stated above.


     11. Will you have any control over how your money is spent by the gift recipient? No. You can include a message in your note that hints at things like medical bills, auto repairs, school expenses and so on. Regardless, only you know this person and there is no guarantee they will spend the money on something that you intend them to.


     12. Why is Blessings In Disguise not a non-profit? You cannot be a non-profit and gift money anonymously. This would imply you could reap a charitable donation benefit on your taxes all the while avoiding paying any gift taxes due to the IRS. Ultimately, that could be a serious form of money laundering. Technically, even if you give a sum of money to a non-profit (a Pastor, a church, or a foundation), and instruct them to give the money to a specific individual, even though everyone involved may have the purest of motives, this still falls under a money laundering category as it can be taken advantage of for tax evasion purposes.  


     13. Aren’t there other platforms out there that allow you to give 100% anonymously? In our search to date, no. That is why we created this platform. Although they do not make this aware to you, many of the existing “donation” and “crowd funding” platforms allow you to select an anonymous option, which you would think just that, this is anonymous. This is misleading, you are only anonymous to the general public when selecting that option, not to the people you are giving to or to the people connected to the campaign. This platform is simply here to give a monetary gift to someone you know without any recognition, expectations, or benefits.


     14. Do you accept cash? No. We only accept traceable payments from credit cards or PayPal.




​This user agreement is a contract between you and Blessings In Disguise, LLC governing the use of our services. The gift giver must be an individual at least 18 years old, or the age of majority in your state or territory of residence to use our services. The gift receiver must be an individual at least 18 years old, or the age of majority in your state or territory of their residence to use our services.
By using our Blessings In Disguise, LLC services, you agree to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this user agreement, including the Fees & Rates, any upcoming changes described on the Terms & Conditions page anytime you use this service. You also agree to comply with any of the local and national monetary gifting laws for both yourself and the individual receiving the gift.
Please read carefully all of the terms and conditions of this user agreement, the terms of the above policies, and each of the other terms and agreements that apply to you.
We may revise this agreement and any of the other terms, agreements, or policies from time to time. The revised version will be effective at the time we post it, unless otherwise noted.
Sending a monetary gift to an individual at least 18 years old, or the age of majority in their state or territory of residence. 
•    You may make payments using your credit card, debit card, bank account, or other payment options available on our Checkout page.
•    You are responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of any and all IDs, passwords, personal identification numbers, or any other codes that you use to access our services. 
•    You are responsible for providing accurate mailing address, email address and other contact information for both yourself and the recipient.
•    You are responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of any credit cards, debit cards, bank accounts, or other payment options used on our Checkout page.
•    Blessings In Disguise, LLC and any of its associated team members are not responsible for theft or misuse of anyone’s credit cards, debit cards, bank accounts, or other payment options used on our Checkout page.
•    Each time you send money using Blessings In Disguise, LLC, you authorize Blessings In Disguise, LLC to charge the selected payment method for the amount you are sending along with any applicable fees.
•    You will be notified if your payment method was declined, and the transaction will be null and void.
•    All currency used will be measured by and referred to in U.S. dollars.
•    The recipient will receive a check in U.S. dollars and will be responsible to convert the currency to the currency of their choice.
•    If a Continental U.S.A recipient does not claim the gifted-money within 30-days, there will be a stop-payment put on the check. Once we are able to verify the check was stopped in-time and the balance remains in our account (approximately 3-days), the original gifted amount, minus any website fees (the payment portal fee is non-refundable; this fee is currently 2.9% plus $.0.30 of the original transaction amount) and minus any additional stop-payment fees (a stop payment fee is currently $30 per check if the bank charges one at all. So far, we have had to place two stop payments for out of country gifts, and the bank did not impose the fee), will be refunded to the individual’s original payment method. All Blessings In Disguise, LLC fees will be returned to the Gift-Giver. We will do the same for a recipient outside of the Continental U.S.A; However, we will communicate directly with you and wait as long as you insist due to longer mail delivery times and/or possible delays. If the Gift-Giver's original payment method is no longer available, we will contact that individual using the accurate contact method that was provided and work out a solution to getting the funds back to them.


      GIFT           TOTAL       CC FEE*      BID FEE       

  AMOUNT     AMOUNT       $$$             $$$         
     $100            $105          $3.35         $1.66

     $200            $210          $6.39         $3.61
     $300            $315          $9.44         $5.57
     $400            $420        $12.48         $7.52
     $500            $530        $15.67         $14.33
   $1,000         $1,050       $30.75         $19.25
   $2,000         $2,080       $60.62         $19.38
   $3,000         $3,110       $90.49         $19.51
   $4,000         $4,140      $120.36        $19.64
   $5,000         $5,170      $150.23        $19.77
   $6,000         $6,200      $180.10        $19.90
   $7,000         $7,230      $209.97        $20.03
   $8,000         $8,260      $239.84        $20.16
   $9,000         $9,290      $269.71        $20.29
  $10,000       $10,320     $299.58        $20.42
  $12,000       $12,380     $359.32        $20.68
  $14,000       $14,440     $419.06        $20.94
  $15,000       $15,470     $448.93        $21.07
  $18,000       $18,560     $538.54        $21.46

* Shipping Fees (if applicable) & Credit Card Portal Fees are Non-Refundable


•    We may, at our discretion, impose limits on the amount of money you can send.
•    You must adhere to any Terms and Conditions of all optional payment methods on our Checkout page (Example to include but not limited to PayPal).
•    Both you and the recipient are responsible for adhering to and filing the appropriate tax documentation for your local state, federal, and territory of residence for monetary gifts. Our fees do not include any taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments of any nature, including, for example, value-added, sales, use or withholding taxes, assessable by any jurisdiction (collectively, “taxes”). It is your responsibility to determine what, if any, taxes apply to the payments you make or receive, and it is solely your responsibility to assess, collect, report and remit the correct taxes to the appropriate authority. Blessings In Disguise, LLC is not responsible for determining whether any taxes apply to your transaction, or for calculating, collecting, reporting or remitting taxes arising from any transaction.
•    Blessings In Disguise, LLC does not have control over who actually receives the gift. A check will be sent to the name and address of the person that you provided accurate information for. Blessings In Disguise, LLC has no control over any “bad actors” attempting to steal and cash the check if a financial institution chooses to complete an illegal transaction. 
•    If you have a dispute with the recipient that you sent the gift to, you release Blessings In Disguise, LLC from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes. In entering into this release, you expressly waive any protections (whether statutory or otherwise) that would otherwise limit the coverage of this release to include only those claims which you may know or suspect to exist in your favor at the time of agreeing to this release.
•    Blessings In Disguise, LLC is a monetary gift service provider only. 
We do not:
o    Act as an escrow agent with respect to any funds you send.
o    Act as your agent or trustee.
o    Enter into a partnership, joint venture, agency or employment relationship with you.
o    Guarantee the identity of any gift giver or recipient.
o    Determine if any gift giver or recipient are liable for any taxes.
o    Collect or pay any taxes that may arise from your use of our services.



We will NEVER sell or share your information to anyone for any reason, unless otherwise governed solely for tax purposes (Example: If the IRS requires us to report any gifts over a certain amount in a given tax year).

As for any thank you notes (sent by the recipient); Blessings In Disguise, LLC retains all rights to use them on our "Testimonials" Page. We will omit any specific or detailed information that could compromise the privacy of the individual or their family.



If a Continental U.S.A recipient does not claim the gifted-money within 30-days, there will be a stop-payment put on the check. Once we are able to verify the check was stopped in-time and the balance remains in our account (approximately 3-days), the original gifted amount, minus any website fees (if applicable) and any additional stop-payment fees (a stop payment fee is currently $30 per check), will be refunded to the individual’s original payment method. We will do the same for a recipient outside of the Continental U.S.A, however we will communicate directly with you and wait as long as you agree due to longer mail delivery times and/or possible delays. If that original payment method is no longer available, we will contact that individual using the accurate contact method that was provided and work out a solution to getting the funds back to them.



First, please do not get your hopes up for an incredibly well-written Thank You letter going on-and-on about just how great you are, or even a simple Thank You letter at all. Although those feel good, that is not what this is about. You have done your part and God knows your heart in this! Just as we have personally sent anonymous "gifts" using our own site, all have been received as I can see that the checks have been cashed, most but not all have responded with a written display of gratitude. Now I am certain there is gratitude no matter what, who would not be thankful that they have received free money!?! Again, this is anonymous, it feels good to hear gratitude; however, that is not what this is about. It is all about the caring heart God gave you!     


Second, a quick word of caution from our own life experiences. If you are trying to help someone because their life is a wreck due to addiction of any form, there is very little chance that your money will help and in fact it might do more harm than good. If this is the situation of who you are trying to help, it will take intentional involvement in their lives to try and get them the counseling and help they need, and this service might not be the best option no matter how great your intentions are.

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